School News

Kindergarten Registration Now On 

Kindergarten registration is NOW ON! 

Children who will be four by December 31, 2025 may be registered to begin Junior Kindergarten at Holy Redeemer in September. Simply click this link to REGISTER ONLINE NOW.  

For more information...

Why register so early? We encourage parents to register their children as soon as possible so that we have plenty of time to hire staff, purchase supplies, and set up classrooms.

Please share this information with your neighbours and friends!

The Latest School News 

School News for March 2, 2025

Dear Holy Redeemer Families,

After a whirlwind February, with report cards, snowstorms, and so many special days and special events, we've finally made it to March and the March Break is a mere 5 days away.  We are also about to begin the season of Lent.

May the month ahead be filled with many blessings for you and your family.

~ Paul Gautreau and the Staff of Holy Redeemer Catholic School

A message from the Holy Redeemer School (Parent) Council

Celebrate Shrove Tuesday with Your Family!

As we approach Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Tuesday) on March 4, 2025 we invite you to take part in this meaningful tradition with your family.

What is Shrove Tuesday? Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent begins. Traditionally, people would use up rich ingredients like eggs, milk, and butter before the 40 days of fasting and reflection leading up to Easter. It’s a time to prepare our hearts for Lent, which helps us remember Jesus’ sacrifice and celebrate His resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Make Pancakes Together! We encourage you to share this tradition with your children and make pancakes as a family. Here is a simple recipe you could try at home, as well as a gluten and lactose free alternative:

Basic Pancake Recipe:

1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

2. Cook on a greased pan over medium heat, flipping when bubbles form.

Gluten-Free & Lactose-Free Pancake Recipe:

Follow the same cooking instructions as above!

We hope you enjoy this special time with your family, reflecting on the season of Lent and the joy of Easter.

THIS WEEK’S INTENTIONS: This week, as we enter the season of Lent, may we grow in faith, courage and wisdom as we reflect on Jesus' great sacrifice. With faith-filled hearts, we ask our loving and merciful God. Amen. Please join us by including this prayer in your own personal prayers this coming week. 


March 3 ~ Le mois de la Francophonie begins 

March 4 ~ Shrove Tuesday
March 5 ~ Ash Wednesday and the 40 days of Lent begin.

March 10-14 ~ March Break

March 19 ~ Girls Handball Tournament with Coach Caron

March 21 ~ Father Marc visits Grades 4 and 5

March 27 ~ Kindergarten Open House for next year’s JK students and parents

April 4 ~ PD Day (no school for students. Staff will be learning about new IEP software)

April 22 to 25 ~ Earth Week

May 5 to 9 ~ Catholic Education Week

May 12 to 16 Book Fair (please note that the date has changed)

May 20 to 30 ~ EQAO testing window for Grades 3 and 6 (details coming soon!)

P.S.  A big thank you to our Twin Flames Field Trip Volunteers last week!

Weekly Prayers of Intercession

We're starting something new at Holy Redeemer.  Each week, our school community will use these prayers of intercession during our morning prayer.  Please join us by using them your own personal prayers as well.

March 3:This week, as we enter the season of Lent, may we grow in faith, courage and wisdom as we reflect on Jesus' great sacrifice. With faith-filled hearts, we ask our loving and merciful God. Amen. Please join us by including this prayer in your own personal prayers this coming week. 

February 24: This week, we ask our loving and Merciful God to grant Pope Francis strength and healing. May Your divine grace rest upon him, restore his health and fill him with renewed vigor to continue leading Your Church with compassion and wisdom. We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Please join us by including this prayer in your own personal prayers this coming week. (adapted from

February 17: This week, we pray for families.  We pray that the Holy Spirit fills every home with abundant love, caring, laughter, learning and joy.  We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. Please join us by including this prayer in your own personal prayers this coming week. 

February 10: This week, we pray that the Blessed Virgin helps us to listen, to hear and to respond to the call of the Lord. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. Please join us by including this prayer in your own personal prayers this coming week. 

February 3: This week, as we celebrate Black History Month, we are reminded that all people are created in the image of God.  Help us to always treat others with respect and dignity. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. Please join us by including this prayer in your own personal prayers this coming week. 

January 20: This week we pray for the Church. Nourished by and faithful to God's Word, that we may be witnesses to the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please join us by including this prayer in your own personal prayers this coming week. 

January 12 This week we pray that God fills our school community with His Spirit, so that our words and actions will always be an extension of Jesus’ love. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Please join us by including this prayer in your own personal prayers this week. 

January 6 As we begin this Jubilee Year, may we be “Pilgrims of Hope” and look to the year ahead with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Please join us by including this prayer in your own personal prayers this week. 

December 15 May your Advent journey be filled with many blessings and may you and your family have a very  Merry Christmas!

December 8 As we prepare for Christmas, we pray for God’s forgiveness for the times when we have done wrong, when we have hurt other people or damaged our earth. May God’s love lead us to make a change and to live differently. Merciful God, hear our prayer. Please join us by including this prayer in your own personal prayers this week. 

December 1 This week marks the start of Advent.  We ask our Lord to energize our bodies and fill our hearts with your spirit as we prepare for the birth of Jesus.  Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

November 24 We pray that when the day is dark and dreary,  we can be a light for others, just like Jesus is a light for us.  Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

November 18 This week is Bullying Awareness Week. We pray that God will open our hearts and help us to show kindness to everyone in our school, regardless of whether they are our best friends or not. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

November 11 This week, we pray for our veterans and their families. We also pray for all our loved ones who have died in the hope of resurrection.  Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

November 4 This week, we pray for the courage to respond to the needs of the people we see around us. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

October 28 Friday is  All Saints Day. This week we pray that we might hear and answer God’s call, just like the saints did. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

October 21 This harvest, we pray for a world where all people may have everything they need to eat.  Lord, in your mercy…

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